Welcome to Econ 485: Advanced Econometrics

On this page, you will find some class documents and useful links.

Spring 2014


Stock and Watson:  You can use the second or third edition. Click here to access data files and data file descriptions from the publisher

The Little SAS Book: - click here to access the book on-line thru JMU library
SAS Graphics Book - teach yourself how to make cool graphs in SAS on-line thru the JMU library


Economix - read this blog as often as you can (aim for 2 to 3 times per week). Frequently we will discuss the entries in class.
The Numbers Guy - this blog gets updated only once a week. Take a look at it once a week.

SAS license form click here and bring to the library


Summation notes:  basics of summation, expected value and variance.


Cable Television and Competition article
Elasticity of Demand for Gasoline article
Seat Belt article
College Grades article



caschools.xls  You will need to open this file in Excel and save it as a .CSV file

Nominal price of gasoline file: 1975 values are for regular leaded gasoline. 1976 and later are for regular unleaded gasoline.

SAT data file.   Note that this is a text. File you can read it in as indicated in the Problem Set or you can change it to a .csv file using Excel and then read it as you have been reading in .csv files

jec.xls (this file is an excel spreadsheet) 


HOW to DEFLATE in SAS: code and notes

fips.xls  you can use this file to map state fips # to a state name (two letter abrev)

(note: the excel files should be .xls files, note office 2007 .xlsx files)



SAS code for merging two data sets that have common ID variables:



NOTE: below are links to some data sources.  Over the years I have added to this list, but I have not kept it up to date, so there may be some "dead links".  You are expected to find your own data, these links provide you a start. If you find any others that you believe would be useful to the class, send them to me and I will add them to the list. 

[added 3/19/2013]  Per Capita Personal Income Looking for per capital personal income by state?  You can drill down to starting here at the BEA.  Choose DATA for ANNUAL STATE PERSONAL INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT .  Walk through the steps to build your data by choosing your states and years,  make sure to get per capital income. You can then download it to an Excel spreadsheet.

State tax rates [added 3/22/2013]  You can find state taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and gasoline at this link.  You can download the file as an Excel file, it will need some cleaning up, but looks good.

Alcohol sales:  http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/Resources/DatabaseResources/QuickFacts/AlcoholSales/Pages/consum03.aspx[updated 3/19/2013]Try this for a new link to similar (same?) data

Health insurance: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/data/historical/index.html

Housing: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/hvs/rates/index.html



tobacco information

Unemployment benefits paid data

Education Data  [added 3/19/2013]  Build a Table The National Center for Educational Statistics has a new "Build a Table" app that allows you to grab data by state and year, such as expenditures per pupil, drop out rates, student teacher ratios.  You need to spend some time on this site drilling down to the appropriate data, but it looks good.


Educational attainment:  try these




Marriage rates

Birthrates  you will find data on teenage pregnancy - useful for studying poverty rates, (click on subnational) Trends in Birth Rates, Fertility Rates and Selected Characteristics    http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/vitalstats/VitalStats_Births.htm

TEENAGE PREGNANCY rates from CDC by state and year. Make sure to read the comment in the spreadsheet that explains what is being measured.

Data on Infant Mortality http://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/acrossstates/Rankings.aspx?ind=20



use this link below to get crive data.  Chosse the middel table type "Data with one Variable" to allow you to get a panel of crime data for the US states.


Arrest Data: updated 4/6/2011.  The link below will get you to some arrest data, by state.  You will have to download each year individually and build up your data.


Click on :  Crime in the U.S.
Click on:  pick a year
Click on “persons arrested” – from there you should find state specific arrests.  To construct an arrest rate or probability of arrest, = arrests/crimes…be careful that both variables are total (or that both are in the same units such as per capita or per 100,000 people)


labor force participation for 2005 and 2004, more would be needed




Home ownership data


State GDP



Union membership

2006 and 2007


2005 and 2006


2003 and 2004


all years 2000-2007 (needs cleaning up)



poverty data



Unemployment rates by state


better data: ?  http://www.bls.gov/lau/staadata.txt


At the Center for Disease Control, lots of neat stuff, just don't get lost!  http://wonder.cdc.gov/

childhood obesity data:  http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5828a1.htm


American Community Survey at the Census:  http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DownloadDatasetServlet?_lang=en&_ts=256218576449

Data on many different aspects of the economy esp. federal budget issues, but lots of good state level data. This site is essentially a compilation of lots of data that came from elsewhere, such as the Census Bureau. When using data from this source, make sure to note and record the original source of the data http://www.nationalpriorities.org/nppdatabase_tool

Some higher education data


Some Baseball Web sites:


Internet usage by country:
