
Sykes Abby

6 1/2 years

3 1/2 years


"I want to ride in your car Daddy cause  I like the music in YOUR car."

"Sykes won't let me play with his toy, BECAUSE I am so mad"
Attributes: Detailed-oriented.  Excellent memory.  Good balance (future Snowboarder/Surfer). Physically TOUGH.  She can win a pancake eating contest for three and under.  Very sneaky.
Forty-yard dash time: A few seconds faster than Abby She won't be second for long.
Favorite Activities: Hide-and-go-seek, spying, frisbee, skiing,  drawing, and playing Star Wars Lego Xbox.  About a thousand made up games such as "The Knockdown Game," "The Sad-Monster Game," and "The Not-So-Sad-Monster Game" Star Wars Lego XBox, playing with Legos, sneaking, watching Star Wars, getting out of bed, skiiing, frisbee golf, swimming, and imitating Sykes.
                  Sykes doing his homework                  Abby - Not to be outdone as a superhero

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